For authors > Special sessions

ICDEA 2022 welcomes proposals for Special Sessions on particular topics related to differential equations and their applications.

For Special Session organisers:

Potential organizers are invited to send a short description containing title, abstract and their affiliation (institution, email, etc) at the following address: 

Please send the PDF file of your Special Session with the subject "ICDEA2022-SpecialSession-Proposition", as described in the template in LaTeX or PDF.

In case of acceptance by the Scientific Committee, the title of the Special Session will appear in the list at the bottom of this page. When submitting abstracts, the interested authors will be able to select the Topic of one of these Special Sessions. 

For Special Session contributors:

Authors may manifest their interest in joining a special session, and the organizer of the special session will be consulted on whether to accept or not the applicant.

Upon abstract submission, the authors willing to contribute to the Special Session need to select the Topic corresponding to its title.

All special session participants need to register for their participation at ICDEA. The contributors to a special session who will deliver the talk should submit an abstract via the registration system.


Special Sessions:

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