For authors > Topics

ICDEA targets state-of-the-art contributions on the theory and applications of difference equations or discrete dynamical systems, using techniques from both difference equations and discrete dynamical systems or contributing to the interplay between these two areas. Continuous models that play a role in the applications and theory of difference equations or discrete dynamical systems are also welcome.

Specific topics of interest to the conference include but are not limited to:

  • boundary value problems,
  • chaos theory,
  • combinatorics,
  • complex dynamics, 
  • difference-differential equations,
  • dynamic equations on time-scale,
  • ergodic theory,
  • iteration theory,
  • numerical analysis,
  • q-difference equations,
  • stability theory,
  • symmetries and integrable systems,
  • special functions and orthogonal polynomials,
  • topological and combinatorial dynamics,
  • control theory.

Contributions that deal with the applications of difference equations or discrete dynamical systems to any scientific discipline, including but not limited to, various disciplines of mathematical biology, epidemiology, evolutionary game theory, economics, physics, and engineering are also of interest. Other topics will be considered.

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