For authors > Contributions

ICDEA 2022 will be organized around the following types of contributions:

  • Plenary talks (by invitation only): 50 minutes + 10 minutes for questions.
  • Standard talks: 25 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.
  • Posters: the poster should be no more than 48.6 inches x 66.2 inches (1189mm x 1682mm) in size (i.e 2A0 in the ISO A series).

After the pre-registration, if you are interested in active participation in the conference, please submit your contribution under the form of one-page abstract as soon as possible. Upon acceptance, these contributions will integrate the program of the conference either as talks or posters.

About the abstracts

The abstract must be written in English, should target 1 page including references and not exceed 2 pages. It needs to be uploaded both as a LaTeX file and as a PDF file. Where possible please provide some suitable subject references. Please indicate in your file whether your abstract is for a talk or a poster by specifying `Talk’ or `Poster’ in the Presentation type. 

The abstract needs to be prepared using the conference templates: please find the PDF and the LaTeX files.

Abstract submission procedure

a)     If you do not already have an account on platform:

  • Go to the conference web-site and select “Create an account” in the Login window;
  • You will receive an activation link to the selected email, that you need to click in order to activate the account;
  • Move to the case of having an account.

b)     If you have an account on platform:

  • Enter your login and Password;
  • Register to the conference (see the Registration procedure);
  • Create a new abstract submission on the submission page
  • Fill the data as Title, Type of submission, Topic and Keywords of the abstract. If you willing to participate in a Special Session, please select the name of the targeted Special Session in the Topic field;
  • Fill the data with respect to all the authors of the abstract;
  • Upload the PDF and LaTeX files of the abstract. You can also upload supplementary material (poster, video, …);
  • Final check.

At the end of the process, you will receive a confirmation email.

You can modify the submission in your personal space in “My Submissions”:



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