For authors > Proceedings

Following ICDEA 2022, all participants are invited to submit articles for publication in a special volume of the Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics series. The volume will be called “Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations, and Applications” and will be edited by Sorin Olaru, Saber Elaydi, Jim Cushing, and René Lozi.

All participants are invited to submit their contributions via email at

The manuscripts will be evaluated through a peer-review process. 

Opening of submission: September 30, 2022

Deadline for submissions: February 28, 2023.

If you plan to submit a contributed chapter, you can choose to notify the editors in advance. This will help recalling the deadline approaching and keeping you posted with the latest news and updates on this special volume.


Instruction for authors

All papers must be written in English and prepared using LaTeX2e style files, which can be downloaded from the link LaTeX Package that can be found on the website Information for Authors of Springer Proceedings


Authors need to prepare their manuscripts using file author.tex, which is in the folder templates.

Please note that Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics uses the Reference Style MathPhysSci (Springer_Guideline, Section 2). Therefore, the authors are kindly asked not to change the commands and settings of the style files, as this may cause errors during the compilation of the final manuscript.

After acceptance of their work, authors will need to submit all final source files, including figures and a final pdf version of their paper.

When the authors submit their accepted, final revised paper and its source files, each corresponding author must complete and send the copyright transfer agreement: 

Consent to Publish(Springer_Guideline, Section 6)

Permission Request Form

(The authors should obtain permission from the previous publisher for any material they want to reuse. Please see subsections 2.10, 2.11 )

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